Blu-ray Site by SONY

Posted by by AB On 9:07 AM

Blu-ray has been edging ahead in the US high-def war but the story for the rival HD DVD format in Europe is not so bleak. Yet. Now Sauron’s Eye has fixed its Blu gaze on the European market with the launch a new Blu-ray site, promoting all the new movies and games.

Called The MMG Venue [Music, Movies and Games], it’s a slow, Flash-heavy place unless you have a fast broadband connection, but there’s a text version too. Oddly, the site interface looks like a dingy, neon-lit alleyway which I’m sure Sony didn’t intend, but there you go.

There’s a history of Blu-ray as well as trailers and info on new games and movies. Hardly a full-on Euro invasion.